Documents & Resources

Online Textbook

To access the textbook online, go to this website: Textbook Login

Username: Your student ID number

Password: Your student ID number

Lord of the Flies full text (different pages from the classroom books)

Lord of the Flies with page numbers.pdf

This is the text packet, if you do not have your copy at home.

Modern Battlefield Texts - Odell Book.pdf

Summer reading discussion Fri./Mon September 15/18

Come to class prepared with notes and your summer reading book, ready to answer and discuss these questions:

1. Who is your main character? What is s/he like? Support your view using the text.

2. What does your main character endure? Go through? And how does s/he handle it? Be specific.

3. What can we learn about life from our character’s experience or experiences?

Summer Reading Project: Due September 14/15

Books to choose from:

Writing Assignment:

10 Average Syllabus:

10A Syllabus

10 Honors Syllabus:

10H Syllabus