Classes Taught

Classes Taught at New Mexico Tech

  • MATH 131, Calculus and Analytic Geometry I, 4 cr, 3 cl hrs, 3 lab hrs
    • Prerequisites: MATH 103 and 104 or the equivalent passed with grade C- or better; or ACT Math score of at least 30 or SAT Math score of at least 670 or SAT Redesign Math score of at least 700; or a score of at least 20 on the calculus readiness math placement test; or MATH 104 and either ACT Math score of at least 26 or SAT Math score of at least 590 or SAT Redesign Math score of at least 610.
    • First course in calculus and analytic geometry. Includes introductory concepts in analytic geometry, limits, continuity, differentiation, applications of the derivative, the mean value theorem, the definite and indefinite integral, and applications of integration.
  • MATH 132, Calculus and Analytic Geometry II, 4 cr, 4 cl hrs
    • Prerequisite: MATH 131 passed with grade C- or better
    • Continuation of MATH 131. Applications of integration, techniques of integration, improper integrals, sequences and series, Power series, Taylor series, polar coordinates, and complex numbers.
  • MATH 213, Calculus and Analytic Geometry III, 4 cr, 4 cl hrs
    • Prerequisite: MATH 132 passed with grade C- or better
    • Vectors and vector operations in two and three dimensions, partial differentiation, multiple integration, topics in vector calculus in two and three dimensions.
  • MATH 332, Vector Analysis, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisite: MATH 231 passed with grade C- or better
    • Scalar and vector fields, gradient, divergence, curl, del operator, general othogonal, curvilinear coordinates, line integrals, surface and volume integrals, divergence theorem, Green's theorem, Stokes's theorem, applications.
  • MATH 335, Ordinary Differential Equations, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisites: MATH 132 passed with grade C- or better
    • Solution methods for the first order ordinary differential equations of various types, including separable, linear, Bernoulli and exact. Solution methods for second (and higher) order linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Series solutions. Laplace transforms. Applications.
  • MATH 336, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisites: MATH 231, 335 and one of MATH 254 or MATH 337, each passed with grade C- or higher
    • Orthogonal functions, Sturm-Liouvulle theory, Fourier series and integrals, heuristic derivation of examples of partial differntial equations taken from heat conduction, vibration problems, electromagnetism, etc., separation of variables, application to boundary value problems.
  • MATH 430, Mathematical Modeling, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisites: MATH 335; one of MATH 254 or MATH 337; MATH 382, each passed with grade C‐ or better
    • Introduction to the process of developing, analyzing, and refining mathematical models. Deterministic and probabilistic models considered for both discrete and continuous problems. Applications to a variety of fields.
  • MATH 437, Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
  • MATH 438, Partial Differential Equations, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisite: MATH 336 passed with grade C- or better
    • Classification of classical partial differential equations of mathematical physics, boundary conditions, uniqueness theorems, first and second order equations, characteristics, boundary value problems, Green's functions, maximum principle.
  • MATH 530, Modeling Case Studies, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisite: MATH 430 or equivalent
    • Open‐ended modeling projects from actual applications
  • MATH 531, Topics in ODEs (Mathematical Biology), 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
  • MATH 532, 532D, Perturbation Methods, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisite: MATH 437 or equivalent
    • A survey of expansion techniques. Regular and singular perturbations. Poincaré‐Linstedt method. Matched asymptotic expansions. Multiple scales.
  • MATH 537, 537D, Bifurcation Theory, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisite: MATH 437 or equivalent
    • Discrete and continuous models. Nonlinear buckling, expansion of the bifurcated solution, stability analysis, Hopf bifurcation, degree theory, the Rabinowitz theorem, and other topics.
  • MATH 538, 538D, Wave Phenomena, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisite: MATH 438 or equivalent or consent of instructor
    • Hyperbolic and dispersive waves. Characteristic methods, breaking and shock fitting, and weak solutions. Examples drawn from water waves, traffic flow problems, supersonic flight, and other areas.
  • MATH 539, 539D, Fluid Dynamics, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisite: MATH 438 or equivalent
    • The Navier‐Stokes equations, inviscid flow, irrotational fluids, viscosity, and turbulence. Other topics as time and interest permit.
  • MATH 540, Calculus of Variations, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
    • Prerequisite: MATH 437 or graduate standing
    • Development of the classical theorems of Calculus of Variations, application, some numerical approaches. Include Euler equations, broken extremals an the Weierstrass-Erdmann conditions, the second variation and Hamilton-Jacobi equation, the Weierstrass E-function, and the Ritz method.
  • ST 554 Mathematical Modeling, 2 cr
    • Prerequisites: ST 550/550BD; or departmental wavier
    • Students learn the process of going from a real world problem to a mathematical model and back to an interpretation of results. Students will work in small groups on a wide variety of applications. Projects suitable for classroom use will be developed.
  • ST 557 Fractals and Chaos, 2 cr
    • Prerequisite: ST 550/550BD or departmental waiver
    • This course cover the development of the basic geometry of fractals, using both deterministic and random methods, the mathematical ideas behind chaos, the connections between the ideas of chaos and fractals, and applications.
  • ST 550 Mathematics for Teachers, 2 cr
    • This course is a basic survey of the principles of contemporary mathematics. The course will emphasize the algebra of sets and numbers, exponentials and logarithms, complex numbers, vectors and matrices, and applications in science for each.
  • ST 551 Concepts in Mathematics for Teachers, 2 cr
    • Prerequisites: ST 550/550BD or departmental waiver.
    • The development of some of the great ideas in Mathematics through history, from the concept of number to abstract mathematics, is discussed. Students develop class projects using the covered concepts and history in their own classes.
  • ST 552 Calculus on a Computer, 2 cr
    • Prerequisites: ST 550/550BD or departmental waiver.
    • Students learn to use computer software to do single variable calculus. Applications and geometric understanding are emphasized. No previous calculus is required. Student versions of the software are available for purchase.