Digital Books

Libby is a free app to borrow eBooks & eAudiobooks from your public library. It is available to download for Android, IOS, (IPhone, IPad, IPod Touch) and Windows 10 devices.

*All you need is a valid New Milford Public Library card to access the materials.*

  1. Install the Libby app from the device’s app store.

  2. Open the app and find the New Milford Public Library. You can search by library name, city, or zip code.

  3. Browse your library’s collection and borrow a title. When prompted, sign in. You’ll need a valid library card to complete this step.

  4. Borrowed titles appear on the Shelf and download to the app automatically so you can read them when you’re offline.From your Shelf you can:

  5. Tap Start Reading or Start Listening to open a title.

  6. Tap the cover image, then Send to Device to send a book to Kindle.

Happy Reading!!!

For more help, visit

Video Tutorial: Libby

Hoopla gives access to thousands of movies, television shows, music albums, ebooks, audiobooks, and comics, available to download for Android, IOS, (iPhone, IPad, iPod Touch) and Windows 10 Devices.

*All you need is a valid New Milford Public Library card.*

  1. Download the app or access hoopla at

  2. The first time you use Hoopla Digital you will need to create an account, entering your email address, a new password, and your library card number. After that first time you will log into Hoopla with just your email address and password.

Borrowing Information:

Library cardholders will be allowed to borrow up to 7 items every calendar month. It doesn’t matter how many of each type of item you have. You can check out any combination of movies, eBooks, audiobooks, comics, and music.

Borrowing periods:

  • Movies and TV shows are available for 3 days.

  • Music lends are available for 7 days.

  • Audiobooks, ebooks, and comics are available for 21 days.

  • You may access borrowed content as often as you wish during the checkout period, and you may return any borrowed title whenever you want.

For help, visit the Hoopla Help Site

Select from thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, & eMagazines to enjoy on your computer or portable device. All you need is your BCCLS library card.

Mrs. Oliviero
201.262.0191 ext. 4015