
Workshop materials, including presentations and other relevant information, can be put/found here (link- only for workshop participants).

Assessment of the Cumulative Effects of Anthropogenic Stressors on Marine Mammals (link)

A report from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine to assess current methodologies used for evaluating cumulative effects of stressors on marine mammals and identify new approaches that could improve these assessments. This review focuses on ways to quantify exposure-related changes in the behavior, health, or body condition of individual marine mammals and makes recommendations for future research initiatives.

Chapter 5 discusses modeling the population consequences of exposure to multiple stressors. The decision tree we will use to assess how stressors may or may not interact can be found on page 52 of Chapter 4.

NOAA's Greater Houston Area Bottlenose Dolphin Data Gaps Workshop-- online meeting materials (link)

Presentations, notes, and general information collected for NOAA's first workshop on dolphins in the Houston area (held Feb 15-17, 2022). If you are having access troubles, please let Ryan know.


Thank you to the Coastal Response Research Center for pulling these materials together and facilitating their sharing. You can also see the presentations and other information on their website at

Review Article: Understanding the combined effects of multiple stressors: A new perspective on a longstanding challenge (link)

PFAS presentation by Linda Birnbaum (Tracy mentioned during his talk):

Kenneth Rothman- Causes. 1976: The paper Ailsa discussed in her causal pies presentation

Causes Rothman 1976.pdf

The Galveston Bay Report Card

Title : A method for prioritizing research on common bottlenose dolphin stocks through evaluating threats and data availability : development and application to bay, sound and estuary stocks in Texas

Personal Author(s) : Phillips, Nicole M.;Rosel, Patricia E.;

Corporate Authors(s) : Southeast Fisheries Science Center (U.S.)

Published Date : 2014

Series : NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-SEFSC ; 665


Phillips and Rosell 2014 Prioritizing research on TX stressors.pdf

State of the Bay: Galveston Bay report (link)