Virtual Wellness Room

Stress Less Poster: Print this visual guide as a quick and easy way to promote healthy coping strategies. Hang it up in the bedroom or common places around the home to provide visual reminders of stress reduction techniques.

Gratitude Calendar: Express gratitude by using this calendar to spark ideas on how to connect and show appreciation towards friends, family and the community. Go in order or jump around, it’s up to you! 

Mindful Nature Hunt: Explore your local area and use this mindful nature hunt as a way to connect with the 5 senses and the world around. Prompts help stimulate conversation. Pair with deep breathing for added relaxation.

Mood Tracker: Track your mood this summer with this printable mood tracker. Jotting down moments of high emotion can be helpful when trying to determine trends, identify warning signs and monitor overall health and wellness.  

Kindness Cards: Spread kindness by sharing these kindness cards with others. Place them around your area as a Random Act of Kindness or give them to those in need. Color or decorate each one for added fun and to boost creativity.  

Family Wellness Bingo: Playing together can be a fun and easy way to work on wellness. This Bingo card makes it easy for families to choose different wellness strategies to try out together. Post your completed card and tag @MHANYSinc on Facebook!  

Resources from:

The School Mental Health Resource and Training Center is a project of Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc. with funding from the New York State Legislature and Executive.

194 Washington Ave. Suite 415

Albany, NY 12210

United States ~ (518)434-0439