North Little Rock Middle School 7/8th Grade Campus

Join NLRMS' Virtual Open House!

August 12, 2021 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

General session and introduction:

will be broadcast on the North Little Rock Middle School-7/8 Campus via FACEBOOK LIVE at 5:00pm

Zoom at 5:oo pm

**Live chat with the teachers immediately following the general session/introduction.

Cain New Principal.mp4


Please click the video for a Welcome message from our principal, Mr. Cain.

Video Tour of the building

Click on the video to see a brief tour and some of the safety precautions being put into place.

North Little Rock Middle School.mp4

Return to Learning & Re-Entry PlaN

Expectations & Info

Health & Safety

  • Masks required for all students, staff, and visitors.

  • Students, staff, and visitors will be screened before entry.

  • Students, staff, and visitors will practice social distancing at all times possible.

  • There will be scheduled disinfecting and learning of shared surfaces and locations in the building

Classroom Changes

  • Assigned individual student desks will be spaced out to the maximum extent possible in each classroom.

  • Students will have labeled items for only their use in the classroom (including Chromebooks and ELA novels)

Technology Information

NLRMS 7/8 Campus will be providing each student with a device for their personal instructional use during the 2021-22 School Year. Students and parents must agree to and sign a technology use agreement before the device will be given to them. Forms will be distributed on the first day of school.

Click here for additional information.

Transportation Information

Click here to view our FAQ and connect with transportation personnel.