Call For Papers

Topics of Interest

We list some possible topics below with the research tracks of The Web Conference, but the submissions from participants are not limited to these topics.

    • FinTech

      • Analyzing Cloud, Online, and Mobile Financial Services

      • Anti-Money Laundering

      • Client Financial Security

      • Credit Analysis and Pricing

      • Crowdfunding

      • Digital Financial Advising

      • Financial Crime Detection

      • Financial Digital Authentication

      • Internet Payment

      • Internet Wealth Management

      • Mobile Payment

      • Modeling Financial Chaos, Uncertainty, and Change

      • Novel Financial Service Design

      • Online Banking

      • Peer-to-Peer Lending

      • Regulation

    • Web and Internet Economics

      • Algorithmic Game Theory

      • Algorithmic Mechanism Design

      • Auction Algorithms and Analysis

      • Computational Advertising

      • Computational Aspects of Equilibria

      • Computational Social Choice

      • Learning in Markets and Mechanism Design

      • Learning under Strategic Behavior

      • Coalitions, Coordination, and Collective Action

      • Economic Aspects of Security and Privacy

      • Economic Aspects of Distributed Computing and Cryptocurrencies

      • Econometrics, Machine Learning, and Data Science

      • Behavioral Economics and Behavioral Modeling

      • Fairness and Trust in Games and Markets

      • Price Differentiation and Price Dynamics

      • Revenue Management

      • Social Networks and Network Games

Best Paper Award

We will offer USD$500 to the Best Paper Award winner.

Submission Details (Time zone : Anywhere On Earth (AOE))

Submission System:

  • Submission Deadline: Feb. 03, 2022

  • Notification: March 03, 2022

  • Camera-ready version ready: March 10, 2022

  • The proceedings of the workshop will be published jointly with the conference proceedings.

Instructions for Authors of Main Track submissions

  • Regular Paper (Anonymous): 8 pages for the main text (including all figures but excluding references), and one additional page for references.

  • Poster (non-anonymous): 2 pages for the main text (including all figures but excluding references), and one additional page for references.

  • Demonstration (non-anonymous): 4 pages in total (including all figures and references).

  • Papers submitted to the main track must be formatted according to The Web Conference 2022 Guidelines and must follow the page limitation. Papers must be submitted in PDF according to the ACM format published in the ACM guidelines, selecting the generic “sigconf” sample. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Papers must be self-contained and in English.

  • At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop to present the work. Authors will be required to agree to this requirement at the time of submission.