FinNLP-2022 Call for Papers

Topics of Interest

We invite submissions of research papers on all topics related to NLP for Financial Technology (FinTech) applications. Besides, one of our goals of this workshop is to foster collaboration between researchers and developers from computational linguistics and finance and economic areas. Original studies reporting joint work are therefore especially encouraged. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Text-based Market Provisioning

  • NLP-based Investment Management

  • Crowdfunding Analysis with Text Data

  • Text-oriented Customer Preference Analysis

  • Insurance Application with Textual Information

  • NLP-based Know Your Customer (KYC) Approach

  • Applications or Systems for FinTech with NLP Methods

Best Paper Award

We will offer USD$500 to the Best Paper Award winner.

Submission Details

Submission System:

Accepted papers proceedings will be published at ACL Anthology.

Submission Deadline (Extended): 14 September 2022 7 September 2022

Notification of Paper Acceptance: 9 October 2022

Camera-ready Papers Due: 16 October 2022

Time zone: Anywhere On Earth (AOE)

Papers submitted to the main track must be formatted according to EMNLP-2022 guidelines

Long Paper: May consist of up to 8 pages of content, plus unlimited pages for references and appendix.

Short Paper and Demo Paper: May consist of up to 4 pages of content, plus unlimited references and appendix.

The reviewing process will be double-blind for Long and Short Paper, and single-blind for Demo Paper. Submissions must be in electronic form using the FinNLP-2022 paper submission software linked above. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop to present the work. Authors will be required to agree to this requirement at the time of submission.