Ms. Ashley Cook



My Favourites

Food: Popcorn

Colour: Pink

Animal: Dogs (especially my dog,Marlo!)

Hobby: Reading

Hello, dear families of Vanier! 

My name is Ms. Cook and I am thrilled to be part of the Vanier community this year. My educational background includes a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from Dalhousie University, a Master's of Music in Operatic Performance and Interpretation from the University of Montreal, and a Bachelor of Primary and Elementary Education from Memorial University. Along with teaching the lovely elementary students of Vanier, I still spend some time teaching private voice and piano lessons through a lovely local music studio. I am a strong believer in being a life-long learner and am currently completing a Bachelor of Special Education through Memorial University online.

In my classroom and day-to-day life,I am very passionate about fostering a safe and inclusive space where creativity can flourish. I love to encourage students to learn from each other and create a supportive and engaging learning environment. I have enjoyed getting to know the wonderful students of Vanier for the past few months and look forward to the upcoming term. I am hoping this website provides a glimpse into the fun adventures and activities we experience in the classroom together. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. I am always available for a chat or even just to share any exciting events that may be taking place with your child. I love connecting and hearing from our students' wonderful families! 


Ms. Cook