Caring Corner

Character Counts

JANUARY- Empathy

Empathy is being able to know how someone else is feeling, even when you aren't in the same situation. Sometimes, in more simple words, we call empathy being able to "put yourself in someone's shoes" and see things from their view.

Mindfulness Online for Kids

What is Mindfulness?

<-- Check it out :)

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment with openness and curiosity.

K - 6 Mindful Breathing Meditation

Puffer Fish Breathing

Children - MH

Children and Mental Health

Please click on the slide show to see my presentation delivered on May 13 @ lunchtime. It discusses common mental health issues facing students today and some strategies that they, their parents, and teachers can do to help.

Dealing With STRESS

What To Do When You Feel Stressed?

Firstly - remember is that stress is normal. We all feel it. It can play an important role in helping us take action, and it can serve as a reminder that we need to change things up a bit.

However, for some people stress can grow to a level that is too uncomfortable, too unpleasant, and can adversely affect how we live our lives.

We need to learn to recognize when this is happening, and we need to be able to identify the signs in ourselves and our children.

How to Help Your Child

At Home

  • Create a relaxed home atmosphere and commit to a routine.

  • Family dinners or game nights can prevent anxiety and help relieve stress.

  • Make your home a calm, safe, and secure place to come to.

  • Monitor your child's television shows, video games, and books.

Keep Them Involved

  • Allow for opportunities where your child can have control over a situation in their life.

  • Allow them to help in everyday routines, chores or tasks around the house.

  • Give your child a heads up on any anticipated changes and talk through the new scenarios with them.

  • Involve your child in social and sports activities where they can succeed - if permitted.

Your Actions

  • Adopt healthy habits such as exercise and self-care to manage your own stress in healthy ways. Children often mimic their parents' behaviors.

  • Keep an eye out for new signs and behaviors of unresolved stress.

  • Learn to really listen to your child without being critical or solving problems for them. Provide guidance to teach your child ways to understand and solve the problems that upset them.

  • Provide affection and encouragement.

  • Use positive reinforcement and methods of discipline that promote healthy self-esteem.

Here are some quick links that may be beneficial to you and your family.

A downloadable app that has wonderful resources for students and parents regarding mental health

A useful app that helps to reduce stress and get a good night sleep.

Kids Help Phone

Soothing website to help keep a happy and healthy headspace.

Helpful tools for a happy and healthy home

Some useful sites to help keep everything and everyone running smooth at home.

Class Dojo

A fun interactive way to help children with expectations and routines. Usually used at school, but can be adapted for home.


Help manage big emotions with calm breathing.

123 Token Me

An app to help children be motivated to learn new things and manage their behaviour

Signs to LOOK out for...

Sometimes children's frustration and sadness may appear differently when in a crisis or a high anxiety producing situation.

Just something to be mindful of during this time. Remember you know your child, and whether a behaviour is typical for them, or it's something else. Trust your instincts!