
New Powerschool portal for Parents and Students:

Latest Information

  • STUDENT DROP OFF AND PICK UP: There should be absolutely no vehicles moving until the buses leave the parking lot. Also students are to be dropped off and picked up in the area opposite the parking lot by the play ground fence in order to ensure the safety of all students. We ask you to please pass this message on if you have someone other than yourself picking up your child. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

  • Please view the assessment policy by clicking here.

Cell Phone Policy poster

Parent-Teacher Communication

Open and active communication between home and school is greatly encouraged:

  • The Stella Letter: This weekly newsletter contains information about upcoming and celebrated events within school. It can also be found here on our school website.

  • Email/Phone: Parents are encouraged to contact teachers via email or school phone at 438-2361.

  • Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences are scheduled at the end of first and second terms. If parents or guardians have any concerns they feel need to be addressed, please feel free to contact the school and a meeting will be arranged.

School Security

To assist us in the smooth operation of the school and for the safety and security of students and staff, we ask that any visitors to the school enter via the main entrance and check in at the office immediately. Items delivered to school for students or staff can be dropped off at the office where they will then be delivered to the individual with the minimum of disruption to teaching and learning. Should it be necessary for a parent to meet with a child, that student will be called to the General Office.

Drop-Off begins at 8:30 AM and dismissal is at 2:50 PM. The door will not be unlocked before that and we ask you to please respect this. Please Note: This does not apply to our Student of the Month or any other special celebration/s that you are always welcome to attend which will most likely be at different times.

Dismissal Exit

Students being picked up by parents are asked to wait in their homeroom classroom until the buses have left the parking lot and the bus duty teacher has returned inside the school to confirm that it is safe to leave. With the exception of those requiring special transportation, students being picked up are not permitted to use other entrances.

Parents are also reminded that a note should be sent to their child’s teacher(s) any time there is to be a departure from the child’s regular schedule.


**Please note that our handbook is currently being updated. Please view the new assessment policy for appropriate procedure associated with tests and assignment deadlines. ** Click here to view the assessment policy

General Philosophy on School Policies

Stella Maris Academy is a community. As in any community, people must work toward a common purpose in the spirit of cooperation. Our common purpose at Stella Maris is to acquire and form knowledge, enhance skills, develop a positive attitude toward learning, be responsible individuals and respect the rights and property of others.

It is our strong belief that self-discipline, not imposed discipline, is the key to positive personal growth and development and that all members of the Stella Maris Community have a willingness to accept responsibility for their actions.

It is within this context that all school policies are developed. It is further recognized that good discipline is not an end in itself nor a means to an end. Rather, it is a necessary component of a productive and caring working environment. These guidelines are designed to help us appreciate our privileges and responsibilities at our school and to aid in continuing “the good life” that is the Stella Maris Spirit.

School Policies


At Stella Maris Academy we are to exhibit a commitment to learning and to achieving success. Everyone is expected to be courteous and respectful at all times (especially during the school day or at any function associated with the school). We all must aim to create a caring environment in which each one of us, students and staff alike, can realize our individual potential.


Each one of us must learn to work individually and with others. Mutual respect, co-operation and sharing are important values in any social experience. In keeping with this belief we emphasize:

Respect for Self and Respect for Others

Any overt behaviour which would demonstrate a lack of respect for self or others will be dealt with so that the well-being and security of everyone in the school is ensured.


The school day begins at 8:42 a.m. at which time teachers and students go to home room. Anyone arriving at home room after 8:45 is considered late.

The afternoon session begins at 12: 45. Arrivals after 12:45 are considered late.

Dismissal for all students is at 2:50pm.


Regular and punctual attendance is required of ALL students throughout the year and is a significant contributing factor to student learning.

There are times when a student cannot be in attendance because of illness or another valid reason. In these cases:

a. Students must provide a note from their parent/guardian explaining the reason for the absence. The note must be presented to the homeroom teacher on the day the student returns to school. As well, each subject teacher must be informed of the reason for absence. This is the responsibility of the student.

b. In the event of chronic absenteeism from school or from a class without a valid reason, disciplinary action will be taken by the administrator.


It is the student’s responsibility to make up for all work missed as a result of the absence and to ascertain (from the teacher or another student) what has been assigned by way of projects, tests, homework, etc.


The habit of punctuality is important both in school and in life generally. The prepared student will make allowances for transportation problems and emergencies and provide him/herself a margin of error.

Lates between classes will be dealt with by the individual teachers: however, frequent lates will eventually result in a conference with administration.

In the event that a student is late for school a call will be issued to the home at the end of the school day to inform parents and guardians.

A student who is late for school or class 3 times in any calendar month will receive a detention.

Severe cases of lateness will be viewed as a discipline problem.


If students must leave school during the school day, they must have permission from staff. They must have a note from home or make a telephone call from the office before leaving. A member of the staff must confirm that the student has permission from home before the student is allowed to leave school.


No student should leave the school property during recess without the expressed written permission of a parent/guardian. Such written permissions will be kept on file in the general office to protect the school’s legal position. Bus students must provide the school with written permission to leave the school grounds during lunch times.


It is the policy of the Newfoundland & Labrador English School District that smoking is not permitted in any area under its jurisdiction. This policy will be followed and enforced at this school. Should any student choose to disregard this policy, disciplinary action will be taken.


Lockers are the property of the school and are assigned to students at the beginning of the school year. All outer wear should be kept in the lockers provided. Students are not permitted to go to their lockers during or between class periods where there are no breaks scheduled.

The school is not responsible for books or other personal belongings/effects missing from lockers.


We are fortunate at Stella Maris to be able to provide parking space for students with vehicles. We ask your cooperation, however, in parking only in the designated area in the north parking lot. As well, it is important, that students be in their cars only when they are coming to or leaving school.

ATV’s are banned from school property at all times

IMPORTANT: No vehicle of any kind is to be moving on school grounds while students are getting on or off the bus.


All students are required to use school property with care. Any student damaging or misusing school property will be penalized. The student who willfully causes damages to any school property shall be liable to compensate the school and or/school board for all loss of damage incurred.

Special care should be taken to keep the school grounds neat and clean.


All students are required to come to school clean and tidy – in person and attire. Clothing must not display offensive language that is racist, sexist, etc., or advertises alcoholic beverages or drugs.

The following may be helpful with the choice of appropriate clothing;


- Straps on tops must be the width of three fingers

- Must cover midriff when arms are at rest

- Must not refer to alcohol, drugs, violence or other inappropriate messaging

- Must not be revealing


- When a student's arms are at rest beside the body with flat hands, the hem should be no shorter than the bottom of the fingertips.


- Should not be visible

If an article of clothing is deemed unacceptable, the school reserves the right to ask the individual to go home and change. Attempts will be made to notify parent/guardians of such request. If the problem persists other disciplinary measures will be sought.

Baseball hats/caps are not permitted in school.

Outerwear (i.e. outside jackets) are not to be worn in class.


In the event of an alarm, instructions have been posted in each classroom outlining the procedures for exiting the room and evacuating the building. THE EVACUATION SHOULD BE CONDUCTED IN COMPLETE SILENCE. Any student who disregards this directive may be required to answer directly to the administration.

If you are temporarily separated from your class (ie. At the washroom, on an errand, etc) leave the building immediately by the nearest exit. Once outside, students should line up with their classes and await further instructions in silence.

During this time, classroom teachers will call the roll of the class to identify any missing students.


Washroom use is always at the discretion of the teacher. Students in Intermediate and Sr. High are generally not permitted to go to the washroom during periods 1, 3 & 5. There is to be no loitering in any washroom at any time. In case of medical necessity the appropriate documents must be on file in the office.


Click here to view the assessment policy


Our General Guidance Resource Centre provides:

1. A current collection of post-secondary calendars and brochures to help meet the needs of both students and staff alike.

2. A current collection of career information including brochures, booklets, videos, as well as a computerized program to aid in aptitude/interest exploration.

3. An extensive video library with programs addressing educational, social, and personal concerns and issues.

4. And generally, an atmosphere of comfort, care and concern.

Kindergarten – Grade 9

There are 3 terms in the school year for these students. Parents/guardians will be made aware of the dates of these report periods as they arrive.

Level 1 – Level III

There are 4 reports for these students.


It is the responsibility of all stakeholders of Stella Maris to be familiar with the policies and expectations presented in this Handbook.

Since it has been compiled with the best interests of ALL members of the school community in mind, it may necessitate that individuals relinquish some of their personal preferences in the best interest of the majority.

Please note that the regulations in this handbook are subject to change at any time during the school year.