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Random Island School (as was written in the school handbook in 1979)

Prior to September, 1973 students on Random Island either attended one of the one, two, or three-room schools scattered over Random Island or were bused to Shoal Harbour and Clarenville.  In the case of Highschool students from the lower end of the Island, they boarded in Clarenville on a weekly basis.

In September of 1973 a new central school opened on the Island.  It was intended that this school would accommodate students in grades K-9, students in Grades Ten and Eleven would be bused daily to the high school in Clarenville.  How-ever, the parents and students as well, decided that our school be all-grade, looking after the needs of students from K-11…and so it has become.

When school opened in 1973 there were 16 teachers on the staff and a student population of 356 pupils.

Random Island Academy (2013-2021)

            Random Island Academy has gone through a lot of changes since 1973, since the days when Parents, students, and community members blocked the roads and stopped our students from being bused to Clarenville.  Thanks to these ‘Crusaders’, we have had the chance to build 48 years of memories.  We are now a K-12 school, which was changed in 1983, the only year we did not have a graduating class as students completing grade 11 now had to move into Grade 12.  Our peek student population was in the year 1984-1985 where we had 460 students in our building. We currently have a school population of 114 students and there are 15 teachers, 1 student assistant, 2 caretakers and 1 Administrative assistant.

From 1973 -1993 we were known as the Random Island Crusaders and our school colours were Green and White.  Our name was then changed to the Random Island Academy Eagles and our colours became Red, White, and Black.  The 2013-2014 school year marked our 40th Anniversary and we decided to reclaim and honour our past; you will find our teams and clubs in Crusader Jerseys and sporting the Green and White now.  We do wish to remember ALL of our past and celebrate our time as both Crusaders and Eagles.  It is important to remember the people who ‘Crusaded’ for our school and all those people who have helped create 48 years of memories.

Random Island is located in Trinity Bay and is home to ten communities; Random Heights, Elliott’s Cove, Snook’s Harbour, Aspen Brook, Weybridge, Lady Cove, Robinson’s Bight, Hickman’s Harbour, Britannia, Lower Lance Cove, & Petley.