Student Portal

Student Expectations

1. Students are expected to complete and pass in all assigned work on time, to work to the best of their ability with respect to learning and academic performance and not to disrupt or interfere with the learning of others.

2. Students are expected to be always prepared for class and to arrive on time.

3. Students are expected to be courteous and mannerly to their teachers and fellow students.

4. Students are expected to refrain from acts that involve horseplay, fighting, threats and/or intimidation.

5. Students are expected not to throw rocks, snowballs, books and other items that may cause physical harm to others when thrown.

6. Students are expected to refrain from using tobacco, alcohol and other substances that may impose serious health risks upon one self and others.

7. Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing. Clothes that are suggestive or provocative and/or depict, promote or advertise alcohol, tobacco, pornography or offensive language is prohibited.

8. Students are expected to not use language that may be deemed offensive and/or abusive.

9. Students are expected to be signed out at the general office by a parent/guardian before leaving school grounds.

10. Students are expected to remain in their class until the bell rings and they are dismissed.

11. Students are expected not to consume food and/or beverages in the instructional classroom (i.e. during instruction), computer room, library and gymnasium at any time unless they receive special consideration and permission from the teacher or administration.

12. Students are expected to respect the property of the school and other students and staff. Theft and vandalism to school and personal property is strictly prohibited and students should report any such incidents immediately to the office or a staff member.

13. Students are expected not to block main entrances/doorways, sit in stairways and run in corridors, stairs or classrooms.

14. Students are expected to receive teacher permission before using lockers during or between classes.

15. Students are expected to place outerwear clothing, such as coats, winter boots, mittens, parkas, caps/hats and so on in their lockers and refrain from wearing these items in the classroom or between classes.

16. Students are expected to keep cell phones and other electric devices turned off during instructional time unless use is authorized by the teacher. Bookbags and all other items of value should also be secured (i.e. locked away) in their lockers during class time.