Lettuce Experiment

Check out the instructions and photos below!

How to regrow lettuce from a stem:

  1. Eat your yummy lettuce, leaving a bit at the bottom.
  2. Place the leftover stem in a shallow container of water.
  3. Place next to a window or other natural light.
  4. Change the water in your container every day.
  5. Watch the lettuce start to grow.
  6. After about 10 days, cut up your new lettuce and enjoy!

Here is the first day. I cut my lettuce and left a piece at the bottom.

Wow! There was a little bit of growth after just one day.

You can really see the lettuce starting to grow from the centre of the stem!

The lettuce is still growing! Reed noticed that is was "a few inches or its [a] tiny bit bigger"

Plants don't take the weekend off! Look how much it grew by the time I checked on Sunday morning.

Wow! The sunshine on Sunday must have really helped the lettuce. Look how the centre is really starting to look like lettuce again!

The lettuce didn't change very much today. William said that "it looks a bit different".

I wonder what it will look like tomorrow?

There was an extra bit of growth today. It seems like things will really start to change soon! Can you see the new leaves that are starting to grow?

The lettuce looks pretty similar today. There is a little bit of growth. I wonder if there will be any changes tomorrow?

May 1st

Reed says "It's really growing" and Faith agreed, saying "it is".

Faith said "it's growing, miss!"

William noticed that "it's growing a new leaf"

Remember to check back and see how our lettuce is doing!

Reed commented, "I remember when it was small but now it grew a lot"

Faith observed that the lettuce is now planted!

Leave a comment in the Google Classroom if you'd like your comment to be added to the website!

Curious about what else can be grown at home?

Check out the videos below!

The first video shows how you can regrow your lettuce and then plant it in soil. The second video shows you lots of different fruits and vegetables that can be grown at home. Have you tried any of these before? Let me know in our STEAM Classroom!