Design Activity

Identification of the Problem Situation

The design process, as modeled is linear in nature, it is pre-structured and the results are known.

Activity Center



The Task

- View the attached report on your Google Classroom

- Once you are at Step 6, you will download this file and save it your username and do your actual soap box design.

****Evaluation scheme

Activity 2: ROCKSTAR

The Task

- View the attached report on your Google Classroom

- Once you are at Step 6, you will download this file and save it your username and do your actual CD design.

Activity 2: FAIRY TALE

- Download the attached outline

You are to rewrite a fairy tale from a modern-day point of view. You will update the story using communications technology we presently use today such fax machines, pagers, email/attachments, chat lines, phones, cell/satellite phones, Youtube, pen and paper, web sites etc.

This fairy tale will be completed similar to a story book with pictures, text, as well; you will include sound and animation.

The Task

Step 1 - Complete 12 slide on paper before beginning in Google Slides

Start by making a rough sketches of your scenes with accompanying text for each scene.

This will provide the basis for your slide show.

Think of this as a child’s book (age 4 -6) your are writing. Use colored pencils to do the scenes.

Step 2 - Once the rough draft is completed on paper you will now begin in Google Slides

The project will be completed in the form of a slide show with at least 12 slides

Each scene will be complete with the background, character(s), and text describing/indicating what the characters are saying, along with sound and animation.