Math / mathématiques

Taka t'amuser This site includes a variety of interactive games. Here are a few I suggest to start with :


NRICH - Mathematics Resources


Arithmetic Four Two users play a game in which each player tries to connect four game pieces in a row (like game Connect Four). The players answer math questions to connect the pieces. Teacher chooses how much time each player has to answer, the level of difficulty, and the type of math problem.

Cool Math Games Yes, math games can be cool! Check out the hundreds of games on this site.

Figure This! Figure This! is a site designed to encourage families to practice math together. It includes fun and engaging math games and high-quality challenges.


Math Game Time

Math Playground


Study Jams

TOPMARKS Topmarks gives students the opportunity to learn online, through safe, fun and engaging games and activities.

Stop the Clock, Telling Time Website

Practice your Math skills on Prodigy Math . Students will need to sign into this site.