à la 4e année avec Madame Ronayne

During our time away from school our class website will be updated periodically to share suggested websites to support online and offline learning activities at home.

Our Google Classroom (405) will also be a space for students to stay connected and access learning activities at home.

Please email if you have any questions, concerns or if I can further support you in any way.

Newfoundland English School District

Holy Trinity Elementary

Welcome to our website! Here you will find information related to the learning taking place in our classroom, announcements, homework and much more. Be sure to check back often for updates!

Bienvenue à notre site web! Ici vous allez trouver information lié à l'apprentissage qui a lieu dans notre classe, les announces, les devoirs et beaucoup plus. Assurez-vous d'y retourner souvent pour vérifier les mises à jour.


Madame Robyn Ronayne