Student Expectations

Class work:

Please come prepared for class with a binder, paper, pen/pencil, calculator (NOT on your phone), ruler and with other items as necessary.

Keeping your notes neatly in a binder is important, and will help you be as successful as possible in your studies!

Homework and assignments:

Please respect due dates – hand in your work on time. This allows me to give you appropriate feedback on what you have done.

Your work is a reflection of you – please ensure that your name is on the front, that the writing is legible, and that the work is complete and neatly presented.

Any late submissions of assignments, labs or projects are subject to the district and school assessment/evaluation policy.

Missed class:

If work is missed, it is your responsibility to catch up and complete all class work, homework and assignments.

If you are absent, please do the following:

a) Ask a classmate what you have missed

b) Check my website/Google Classroom for notes/memos/handouts about the class you missed

c) Come and see me – if I can’t help right away, we will schedule a time

d) If a lab/activity is missed, we can discuss whether you should get results from a classmate or whether you need to go to the lab during lunch/after school to complete the activity

Missed tests/quizzes

If at all possible, see me BEFORE the quiz/test to schedule a time (i.e. if you know you will be away).

You MUST bring a note TO ME if you have missed a test, explaining the reason for your absence.

The weight of missed assessments will be placed on future assessments that cover the same/similar curriculum outcomes. Please chat with me for specifics.

Most importantly…

Keep me informed and ask for help when you need it! I want everyone to perform their best, and am happy to provide extra guidance to help to make this happen!