Welcome to Grade 1 

Photo Gallery

Check back regularly for updated photos of some things we are doing in grade 1 😃

Terry Fox Walk- We walked for Terry 🥰

Making Patterns 

Collecting things from nature for patterns and a special Art creation 🍁

Reading a fall story outside, thanks Ms. Reid!

Welcome to grade one!!!  🤩

First day of grade 1!! 

Making patterns with blocks 

Learning about aquaponics, our fish Gilbert and planting seeds! 

Practicing Centers for Literacy 

Terry Fox Walk

Buddy Reading with our grade 6 friends! 

First guided reading session, we loved using the funny fingers to point and find our words! 

Saying, "farewell" to Ms. Power 🥰

Visting the library and maker space, we love STEAM projects 

Exploring outside, looking for patterns 

Thanksgiving reading and crafts with our buddy readers. We have so much to be thankful for 😍

STEAM projects in the maker space

This project included research, gathering materials, creating a fishing rod and manipulating the hook to catch different kinds of fish! We had so much fun with this project! 

Visit to O'Brian's Farm!

Taking Math outside while the weather is nice. Count the room became count the playground! ☀️

Leaf exploration and investigating outside. We found a leaf, measured it, described it and used it to make glue ghosts for the windows 👻

Trying "mystery melon" also known as the Canary Melon. We loved it! 

Halloween Fun

Carving a pumpkin, counting and baking the seeds and making playdough mosters

First Snowfall 

Buddy Reading Fun 

Nature creations

Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra and playing literacy games 

Learning about Labrador culture

Making Shadow boxes, more mystery fruit and math games.