North Lakeland Innovation Lab

Science + Technology + Engineering + Art + Math = STEAM!

Art Studio & Innovation Space

Welcome to the Nls Innovation lab!

WHY A FabLab and Innovation Lab?

  • Present students with opportunities to follow their own intrinsic path to discovery.
  • Enable, motivate, inspire, and empower students to take control of their own learning.
  • Connect liberal arts thinking with 21st century skills and competencies through practical, hands on, interdisciplinary, problem-based projects.
  • Place the right tools and materials in the hands of students so they can develop the literacy to remake our world into a more democratic, equitable, and humane place.
  • Actively encourage students to pursue their passion, learn more deeply, and connect to the subject matter in new and creative ways and develop new skills that can be brought to the classroom.
  • Strengthen the MPA mindset and culture of creativity, collaboration, trust, resiliency, and problem solving in our community

What is the Innovation lab?

  • A collaborative learning space where the community can gather, share, create, innovate, and inspire each other.
  • A place where students can creatively pursue their own learning, both on their own or with others, through experiential, interdisciplinary learning driven by interest and inquiry
  • An incubator for innovation where questions are valued above answers, students learn by doing, and the final product is determined and assessed by the individual.
NLS Innovation Zone

Design Thinking

What is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking Digital Interactive Notebook (DTITC) - Template