電機與資訊學院College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

電機工程系 Department of Electrical Engineering

李孝貽 教授

Hsio Yi Lee



專長Areas of Specialization

  • Expertise in ZEMAX, TracePro, Dialux and SolidWorks professional optical/mechanical design software.

  • Expertise in 2D lighting measurement technologies.

  • Expertise in Moire metrology

  • Expertise in optical signal processing, such as optical holography, optical computing and nonlinear optics.

  • Expertise in solar power management and smart battery charging technologies.

  • Multi-lingual: Fluent speaking and writing in English, Mandarin, and Taiwanese

博士生招收名額&條件 Preferred Student (number & qualification)

  • Student in Demand: 1

  • Current research directions:

    1. Multi-beams Laser processing of materials by femtosecond Lasers

    2. Photochemical air cleaning system by using Ultraviolet LED

    3. Arts learning by using Electro-Optical Artificial intelligence

    4. SAE/ECE international regulated lighting design

額外獎學金 Extra Scholarship for Student(s)

  • Yes, I will offer student(s) more than NTD10,000/ per year.

蘇俊連 教授

Chun-Lien Su



專長Areas of Specialization

  • Our group is to look for international cooperation with Companies, Universities and Associations on renewable energy integration and power electronics-based power systems as well as microgrids. Our group recent research areas include but not are limited to

  1. Power system inertia estimation and frequency response assessment and control in renewable power systems

  2. Identification and mitigation of voltage instability in renewable power systems

  3. Identification and mitigation of harmonics instability in renewable power systems

  4. AI and machine learning techniques for sustainable power and energy system applications

  5. Hybrid energy storage systems for islanded grids and maritime microgrids for electrical ships, vessels, ferries and seaports

  6. Cybersecurity in electrical power and energy systems

  7. Data-driven predictive maintenance for electrical power and energy systems using machine learning

博士生招收名額&條件 Preferred Student (number & qualification)

  • Student in Demand: 2~4

  • Our group is most interested in research in field of power and energy system. All strongly motivated prospective PhD students with interests in power and energy system are welcome to join our group. For the prospective PhD students, a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering (power system, power electronics, energy), or equivalent is required. Deep interest in applying mathematical fundamentals rigorously to problems in power and energy system modeling and control as well as communicating findings with clarity. Prior research experience in math or engineering that included synthesizing related work from the literature. The qualified candidates are expected to have excellent programming skills and be involved in national and international projects/cooperation with good reputation universities in the world. Please contact me with your CV at cls@nkust.edu.tw for more information.

額外獎學金 Extra Scholarship for Student(s)

  • Yes, I will confirm with student(s).

陳附仁 助理教授

Fu-Zen Chen

Assistant Professor


專長Areas of Specialization

  • Power Electronics

  • Power Management

博士生招收名額&條件 Preferred Student (number & qualification)

  • Student in Demand: 1

  • Those who get his/her master’s in power electronics or mixed signal power management field are welcome.

額外獎學金 Extra Scholarship for Student(s)

  • Yes, I will confirm with student(s).

蘇科翰 助理教授

Ke-Han Su

Assistant Professor


專長Areas of Specialization

  • Mechatronics

  • CNC motion control

  • Servo system

  • Intelligent control

博士生招收名額&條件 Preferred Student (number & qualification)

  • Student in Demand: 1

  • Lanuage: English, TOEIC Score: >650

  • Major in Automatic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, expertise in control engineering, mechatronics

額外獎學金 Extra Scholarship for Student(s)


電子工程系 Department of Electronic Engineering

陳昭和 教授

Chao-Ho Chen



專長Areas of Specialization

  • 影像/視訊處理

  • 電腦視覺

  • AI 神經網路

  • 深度學習

  • Digital Image/Video Processing

  • Computer Vision

  • CNN-based AI

  • Deep-Learning Scheme

  • http://www.msp.nkust.edu.tw/

博士生招收名額&條件 Preferred Student (number & qualification)

  • Student in Demand: 1~2

  • 英文讀寫聽說~中等

  • C++程式撰寫

  • English reading, writing, listening and speaking ~ medium

  • C++ programming (coding)

額外獎學金 Extra Scholarship for Student(s)

  • Yes, I will confirm with student(s).

  • Yes, I will offer student(s) about NTD6,000/ per year.

李財福 教授

Tsair-Fwu Lee



專長Areas of Specialization

  • His major research interest areas are : medical physics and medical informatics,

  • radiation oncology,

  • radiation biophysical modeling,

  • signals and systems,

  • evolutionary optimization,

  • intelligent algorithms for the medical applications.

博士生招收名額&條件 Preferred Student (number & qualification)

  • Student in Demand: 0~1

  • Study hard

額外獎學金 Extra Scholarship for Student(s)


謝欽旭 副教授

Chin-Shiuh Shieh

Associate Professor


專長Areas of Specialization

  • Computer Networking

  • Information Security

  • Computational Intelligence

  • Embedded Systems

  • AI/ML

博士生招收名額&條件 Preferred Student (number & qualification)

  • Student in Demand: 2

  • Good proficiency in English.

額外獎學金 Extra Scholarship for Student(s)

  • Yes, I will confirm with student(s).

電腦與通訊工程系 Department of Computer and Communication Engineering

賴玟杏 副教授

Wen-Hsing Lai

Associate Professor


專長Areas of Specialization

  • 深度學習

  • 音訊處理

  • Deep Learning

  • Audio Processing

博士生招收名額&條件 Preferred Student (number & qualification)

  • Student in Demand: 1

  • 發表論文

  • 英文能力

  • 研究潛力

  • 在校成績或工作經驗

  • Publication

  • English ability

  • Research potential

  • School grades or work experience

額外獎學金 Extra Scholarship for Student(s)


曾士桓 助理教授

Shih-Huan Tseng

Assistant Professor


專長Areas of Specialization

  • 人與機器人互動

  • 人工智慧

  • 機器學習

  • Human-robot interaction

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Machine Learning

博士生招收名額&條件 Preferred Student (number & qualification)

  • Student in Demand: 1

  • Computer science courses

  1. Data structure, algorithm

  2. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

  • Python programming

額外獎學金 Extra Scholarship for Student(s)

  • Yes, I will confirm with student(s).