Parental Involvement in School Review & Improvement

The New Kent County School Division encourages parents of children eligible to participate in

Title I, Part A, and English learner programs to participate in the process of school review and, if

applicable, the development of support and improvement plans under 20 U.S.C. § 6311(d)(1) and (2).

Parents may participate by

  • Attending the annual Title I Orientation meeting, and/or one or more Title I parent meetings that will be held annually. Meetings will highlight school and division performance and progress, and will also give Title I parents the opportunity to discuss their child’s academic progress with the Title I teacher.

  • Title I teachers will be available to participate in parent-teacher conferences on division designated dates, as well as at the parent’s or teacher’s request.

  • Title I teachers will provide parents with a brief progress report at the end of each marking period.

  • Title I parents will be encouraged to complete a survey at the end of each school year.

  • Parent conferences will be held during evening hours or virtually as needed with child care provided.