Farzan Nadim | Jorge Golowasch | Dirk Bucher

Federated Department of Biological Sciences - NJIT and Rutgers-Newark

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Our laboratory is part of the Federated Department of Biological Sciences of the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and Rutgers University Newark. It is run by three Principal Investigators, Farzan Nadim, Jorge Golowasch, and Dirk Bucher, all faculty in the department. We use both experimental and theoretical approaches to study the neurophysiology of a small central pattern generating circuit in lobsters and crabs, the stomatogastric ganglion (STG). Central pattern generators (CPGs) are networks of nerve cells in the central nervous system that generate the basic patterned electrical activity underlying most rhythmic behaviors like walking and breathing in all animals. We are taking advantage of the experimental accessibility of the crustacean nervous system to uncover fundamental principles that govern neural processing across all animal and human nervous systems .

Latest News:

  • Xinping Li successfully defended her PhD Thesis entitled: “Characterizing co-modulation of multiple components of an oscillatory neural circuit”. She will finish up some work over the summer and then start a postdoc position in the lab of Mala Murthy at Princeton University.
  • Farzan Nadim and Dirk Bucher just got awarded a 5 year R01 grant renewal from the National Institute of Mental Health, "Neuromodulation of Neuronal Oscillations". The objective is to study co-modulatory effects of neuropeptides on neuron, synapse, and circuit function.
  • New paper from a collaboration with the Bose Group from the NJIT Math Department:…/artic…/pii/S016727891730218X