Primordial importance is given to the Research now a days in India in almost all fields including the education field. Research is of utmost importance for any invention. So also the research plays vital role in making the field a vibrant one. In this regard the regulatory bodies like UGC, AICTE etc. are coming out with mandatory policies vis-a-vis Reserch and Publication. Research publication is given paramount importance ; ranging from selection process to the promotion stage in Higher Education field in India. In order to catchup with the changing times and scenarios our college is also taking a lot of steps in helping our teachers as well as students towards the research and its publication. The Library of the college also thought of lending helping hand to researchers and the teachers. We believe that the cursory glance at this site enables you to learn A-Z of research and publication.

UGC-Public-Notice-on-UGC-Regulations,-2017- Research.pdf