
Details of Registration Fee

Registration Fee (inclusive GST @18%) for participants to attend the five days online STTP on "Roadmap for Effective Research using Advanced Techniques and Tools (REAT 2022)" is given below.

UG/PG/Research Scholars: Rs. 900

Faculty/Academicians: Rs. 1500

Industry Professionals: Rs. 3000

UG/PG/Research Scholars from NITC: Rs. 450

Faculty/Academicians from NITC: Rs. 750

International Participants (Students): USD 25

International Participants (Academicians): USD 50

International Participants (Industry): USD 75

Interested participants need to pay the registration fee through online mode to the following account. (While payment, write REAT2022 in the column of purpose)

Account No.: 37618269594

Account holder name: DIRECTOR NIT CALICUT - Continuing Education Programme

Name of the Bank: State Bank of India, NIT Calicut Campus

IFSC: SBIN0002207

SWIFT CODE (For International transaction): SBININBB392

How to register?

After the payment, participants have to complete their registration by filling the following Google form and uploading the proof of payment and proof of the designation/College ID on or before 7th February, 2022 9th February, 2022.

Registration Link: Registration Closed