ACM SAC 2023

The 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing

March 27- March 31, 2023

Tallinn, Estonia

Track on Cloud Computing

Home| Proceedings| Track Topics| Paper Submission| Chairs| Program Committee| Archives

Welcome to the Cloud Computing Track of ACM SAC 2023

Port of Reval in 1853. Painting by Alexey Bogolyubov

For the past thirty seven years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing has been a primary confluence for researchers in applied computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from around the world. SAC 2023 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP).

The SRC Program is sponsored by Microsoft Research.

Track on Cloud Computing

The ACM SAC 2023 Track on Cloud Computing welcomes paper submissions on all aspects of cloud computing research and applications with emphasis on those describing research on different forms of virtualization techniques as applied to systems computing. However the main theme of the CC track for this year is AI for Energy Efficiency of Cloud Operations . The impact of IoT on Cloud Computing research is a relevant topic to explore. Hence the secondary theme is Cloud for IoT applications.

The following list includes some of the major topics that we plan to focus in this track in this year.

  • AI for Energy Efficiency of Cloud Operations

  • AI powered Cloud Services

  • Cloud Security

  • Cloud Computing for IoT Applications

  • Architectural Models for Cloud Computing

  • Virtualization of the infrastructure

  • Serverless Computing

  • Elasticity in clouds

  • Storage virtualization

  • Green computing models for clouds

  • Programming models for clouds

  • Cloud computing for the mobile world

  • Enterprise Applications on the Cloud

  • QoS for applications on clouds

  • Optimization and performance issues on clouds

  • Communication protocols for clouds

  • Databases for clouds

  • Security as a service

  • Big data management and analytics

  • Cloud Storage and Big data analytics

  • Large Scale Cloud Applications- Innovative Cloud Applications and Experiences

  • Performance of cloud systems and applications- Cloud Availability and Reliability

  • Energy aware data storage, computation, scheduling, monitoring, auditing in cloud computing

This track welcomes theoretical models, algorithms, practical results, description and analysis of experiments and demonstrations of working prototypes of cloud computing applications.

Submission Guidelines

The submissions should be in electronic format (pdf), based on original, unpublished work.. The file format should be PDF. The author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference should be in the third person. Only the title should be shown at the first page without the author's information. Peer groups with expertise in the tracks focus areas will blindly review submissions. Accepted papers will be published in the annual proceedings and ACM digital library. Submission guidelines can be found on SAC 2023 Website.

Prospective papers should be submitted to the track using the START submission system. Regular papers and Poster papers are limited to 8 and 3 pages respectively. A few key words should be provided. A paper cannot be sent to more than one track. Original manuscripts (regular papers) should be submitted in electronic format through START Conference manager website at

Abstracts for the Student Research Competition (SRC) should be submitted in electronic format through the

START Conference manager website:

Important notice for the authors

Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the paper/poster in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for the paper/poster to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library. No-show of scheduled papers and posters will result in excluding them from the ACM/IEEE digital library.

Important Dates

October 1, 2022: Submission of regular papers and SRC research abstracts

October 10, 2022: Submission of Tutorial Proposals

November 10, 2022: Notification of Tutorials Acceptance

November 19, 2022: Notification of paper acceptance/rejection

November 19, 2022: Notification of SRC acceptance/rejection

December 6, 2022: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers/SRC

December 6, 2022: Author registration due date

TBD, 2022: Submission of STAP(Student Travel Award Program) application

TBD, 2023: Notification of STAP Awardee

Tuesday March 28, 2023: SRC Posters Exhibit

Wednesday March 29, 2023: Non-SRC Posters Program

Thursday March 30, 2023: SRC Oral Presentations

Track Program Chairs

Madhu Kumar S.D, NIT Calicut, India(

Priya Chandran, NIT Calicut, India (

Programme Committee

Alfredo Goldman, Brazil

Anitha V S, India

Annappa B, India

Anu Mary Chacko, India

Ashalatha Nayak, India

Babu A V, India

Balaji Palanisamy, USA

Chandrasekaran K, India

Daniel Cordeiro, Brazil

Farhana Zulkernine, Canada

Fernando De la Prieta, Spain

Geetha Kumari. G, India

Gopakumar G, India

Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Saudi Arabia

Joanna Kolodziej, Poland

K.A Abdul Nazeer, India

Lakshmish Ramaswamy, USA

Min-Shiang Hwang, Taiwan

Rajeswari Sridhar , India

Shruti Mahambre, India

Surekha Laju, India

Vinod Pathari, India

Yogesh Murarka, India