2022 Post High School Planning

Junior Folder 2022 (8) (1).docx

Class of 2022 Junior Planning Folder

Thoughts About Myself Form

The TAS form for 2022 has been updated and revamped in order for your counselor to write the most effective letter of recommendation on your behalf!!

The Student Descriptive Rating Scale will allow for teachers selected by you to provide information directly to the counselors regarding your ability within the classroom. This will be provided to you hard copy, and is available for download on your Naviance page.

Many Colleges and Universities have created YouTube pages to help navigate the post high school planning process, admission reads, and other helpful videos. Please see below for a few examples!

This is a helpful TedxTalk from admissions researcher Alex Chang


Some literature on the topic of post high school planning!

Resources for students

Book: What You Don’t Know Can Keep You Out of College-Don Dunbar

Book: Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be-Frank Bruni

Book: 100 Successful College Application Essay-Compiled and Edited by Member of the Staff of The Harvard Independent

Book: The College Application Essay-Sarah Myers McGinty

Book: There is Life After College; What Parents and Students Should Know About Navigating School to Prepare for the Jobs of Tomorrow-Jeffrey J. Selingo

Book: Admissions Matters-What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting Into College-Sally Springer, Jon Reider, Joyce Vining Morgan

Check out this powerpoint on effective college essay writing!!

NHScollegenight2020 Update.ppt

Jay Heinrichs Effective College Writing

During this confusing and difficult time in the college admissions world, many changes are beginning to take place. Numerous colleges and universities are taking the steps to become "Test Optional" institutions, and some, like the message from Vanderbilt University are offering even more information on the most important factors of the college application at their school.

YouVisit.com - Visit 600+ Colleges Online for Free

CampusTours.com - Interactive Maps and Video Tours

ECampusTours.com - 360˚ Virtual Tours of over 1,300 Colleges

InDuck.co - Free Trial of In-Depth Interviews about College Impressions

StriveScan.com - Hundreds of Colleges Participating in a Virtual Fair