Annual Conference on


 National Institute of Science Education & Research, Bhubaneswar

27th - 30th November 2023

The Q-MAT conference is a prominent gathering for the quantum condensed matter community, scheduled to take place at the National Institute of Science Education & Research in Bhubanewar, India from Nov 27th to 30th, 2023. The conference aims to promote a sense of community among researchers in this field, and to this end, we have designed the event to encourage participation from a broad range of active researchers. The conference will include both invited and contributed talks, with parallel sessions running concurrently over three days. We will do our best to accommodate as many speakers as possible, including junior faculty members, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students in their final year. Additionally, there will be opportunities for community members and junior students to present their work in poster sessions.We hope that this conference will bring together a diverse group of researchers, provide opportunities for collaboration and networking, and inspire new ideas and directions in the field of quantum condensed matter.

For a flavour of the event we provide the links for the part three Q-MAT meeting: QMAT2020, QMAT2021, QMAT2022

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