Welcome to Medlin

You Belong Here!

Medlin Middle School is a great place to be! 

We are excited for you to join our Mustang Family and hope this information helps you as your journey begins with us. Check out the "student info" tab for school supply lists and other helpful campus expectations.

Important points of contact:


Paige Cantrell - pcantrell@nisdtx.org 


Ashley Kahler - 6th grade - akahler@nisdtx.org 

Lydia Calahan - 7th grade - olga.zunigacalahan@nisdtx.org 

Ethan Dee - 8th grade - edee@nisdtx.org


Sara Moltenbrey - 6th grade - sara.moltenbrey@nisdtx.org

Noel McCauley - 7th grade - nmccauley@nisdtx.org

Shannon Nobles - 8th grade - snobles@nisdtx.org 

Important contacts for all grade levels:

Jennifer Kuykendall - school nurse - - jennifer.kuykendall@nisdtx.org 

Christina Mayfield - counseling receptionist, ID Badges, fines, etc - christina.mayfield@nisdtx.org 

Angelica Esparza-Jackson - front office manager - angelicaesparzajack@nisdtx.org 

Michaela Sims - Attendance Clerk - michaela.jacobs-sims@nisdtx.org 

Cyndi Rawe - student services facilitator (504, MTSS) - cynthia.rawe@nisdtx.org 

Kathy Connell - diagnostician (special education) kathy.connell@nisdtx.org

Gailanne Smith - librarian - gsmith@nisdtx.org

Jill Pavlicek - Registrar, Student Registration - jill.pavlicek@nisdtx.org 

Aileen Carden - front office receptionist - aileen.carden@nisdtx.org 

Our school website: https://medlin.nisdtx.org/