We Are Here To Help

Northwest ISD Guidance & Counseling

Welcome! As we work to navigate through this difficult and uncertain time, Northwest ISD will continue to invest in the social and emotional well-being of our students and staff and will assist NISD parents/guardians in promoting the positive well-being of the family. On this site, you will find helpful videos, tips, activities, and links to websites to help guide and support NISD families through this time. Our goal is to support the holistic well-being of our students during the COVID-19 crisis.

Should you desire one-on-one assistance for your child during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's school counselor via e-mail. With your permission, your child's campus counselor may provide one-on-one support for your student via phone or an online videoconferencing platform called Zoom. If mental health concerns are critical and need urgent attention, you may dial 911 or access external crisis intervention through local resources. Please remember, we are here to help.

~ NISD Guidance & Counseling

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How To Talk To Kids About The Coronavirus

Coronavirus Info For Kids

Northwest ISD is in the third year of implementing a greater focus on social-emotional learning (SEL). This school year, the two specific SEL competencies of self-awareness and self-management will be a priority. Each month we will focus on specific aspects of these two competencies in order to help our students grow in their understanding of themselves as well as their social-emotional skills. During a time like this, our social-emotional skills could not be more important, and in NISD, this month's SEL focus will be on identifying emotions, accepting responsibility for one's actions, improving self-control, and appreciating one's uniqueness. For secondary students during the month of November, we will also address bullying prevention. On this site, we hope you will peruse the SEL suggestions for elementary students, middle/high school students, and even for adults. The personal well-being of our educators, students, parents, and community members matter. Social-emotional health is up to me. It's up to you. It's up to all of us.

Click the buttons below for more info!

Social-Emotional Learning: What Is SEL and
Why SEL Matters

Click here to be directed to the NISD Guidance & Counseling Page.