Student Library Volunteers

BECK LIBRARY CREW: 2023-2024 Student Volunteer Program


The Beck Library Crew is made up of outstanding Medlin students who volunteer in our library, in the mornings, before their middle school classes begin, from 7:20 to 8:30 a.m.. Former Beck students, who are currently attending Medlin, may apply at the beginning of the school year, using the following form: 

Student applications will be accepted until September 31, 2023.


There are a limited number of volunteer Crew spots, and after accepting all applications, Ms. Martin will select volunteers until all the positions are filled. Selected students will receive a parent permission form, to be signed and returned. 

Although we cannot accept every volunteer applicant, we hope you find all kinds of ways to shine by serving in the community. Thank you for making our school, and the world, a better place!

CREW club volunteer job description.doc