Athletics Department Welcome


By Athletics Department


Ms. Brenda

Athletics Director & Elementary School PE Teacher

The NIS Stallions Athletics program is committed to offering students many opportunities to participate in a variety of sports and activities in a competitive and  friendly environment.  The programs run from Grade 1 through 12 and are aimed at developing the physical, emotional and leadership skills of students.  There is an evolving emphasis and philosophy of participation as students progress through the program from Elementary to High School. 

Our Sports Team

Mr. Tee

Athletics Director & Middle School PE Teacher

Mr. Jack

ECC & Elementary Swimming Teacher

Mr. Bektur

High School PE Teacher


NIS facilities continue to update each year as the school grows with our most recent addition of the Ms. Kris's outside pavilion. We are fortunate to have dedicated coaches that allow students to gain an understanding of the skills, tactics and requisite fitness levels required for an effective performance.


NIS is also a founding member of CMAC (Chiang Mai Athletic Conference) which offers competitive competition throughout the year with other International Schools in the city.

Any Suggestion? 

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Athletic Inquiries 

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