Literacy Learning Lesson Plans
Sharing Our Literacy Lesson Plans
The below lesson plans were designed for, and implemented with, a range of diverse learners from ages 5-11. Each lesson is open-ended with differentiation in mind to create meaningful literacy learning spaces that build on learners' strengths. Multiple extension opportunities are included for educators to select from with their individual learners in mind. Easily accessible materials are suggested when possible. We invite you to make use of these lesson plans in ways that work for your learners and families.
Special thanks to our NU Reads contributors across all years: Nicole Bigelow, Erin Boughner, Raquel Branch, Shelby Carle, Tessa Cicchini, Sara Gallo, Jill Gear, Morgyn Graham, Kayla Harris, Terrilyn Herrick, Megan Hives, Chantel Kuehn, Lexi Melnick, Emma Scantland, Rachel Sothern, Luisa Veres, Katie Wilson, Melissa Wright with Dr. Tara-Lynn Scheffel

Printer-Friendly PDFs
Download the Inventor's Workshop lesson plans as PDFs.

Printer-Friendly PDFs
Download the Inventor's Workshop lesson plans as PDFs.

Printer-Friendly PDFs
Download the Inventor's Workshop lesson plans as PDFs.

Printer-Friendly PDFs
Download the Superheroes are Everywhere lesson plans as PDFs.

Printer-Friendly PDFs
Download the Welcome to Animal Planet lesson plans as PDFs.

Printer-Friendly PDFs
Download the Author Exploration: Mo Willems lesson plans as PDFs.

Printer-Friendly PDFs
Download the Author Exploration: Shel Silverstein lesson plans as PDFs.
About NU Reads
We are a teacher candidate-led community-based literacy initiative dedicated to supporting young learners' literacy skills through cross-curricular, authentic and sustainable literacy experiences within a nurturing, enthusiastic and inclusive environment. Literacy is a part of everyday learning from writing lists and designing maps to reading recipes and so much more!