Research Fund

Development of laser scribed graphene based biomedical device for multiplex detection of cancer biomarkers 

Funding Agency: SERB-DST, Govt. of India

Role: Principal Investigator

Amount: ~32 Lakh

Duration: 2 years 

Status: Ongoing  (September 2022 to September 2024)

Ultrathin 2D Nanomaterials Based Biosensor for Multiplexed Detection of Breast Cancer Biomarkers 

Funding Agency: DST, Govt. of India (under INSPIRE Faculty Programme)

Role: Principal Investigator

Amount: ~35 Lakh

Duration: 5  years 

Status: Ongoing  (August 2018 to July 2023)

MXene-Graphene Nanocomposite sensor embedded warm clothing/Apparel for soldiers: Design, development, fabrication and proto fabrication 

Funding Agency: DST, Govt. of India (under Device development Programme)

Role: Co-PI

Amount: ~74.04 Lakh

Duration: 3  years 

Status: Ongoing  at IISc (March 2021 to Feb 2024)

Design and development of nanomaterials-based sensor devices for health monitoring of Artificial Heart Valve 

Funding Agency: DST, Govt. of India (under India Poland Joint Research Programme)

Role: Co-P

Amount: ~7.6 Lakh

Duration: 2  years 

Status: Ongoing at IISc  (March 2021 to Feb 2023)