Abdulrasheed Isah

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I am a PhD candidate in the Energy and Technology Policy Group at ETH Zurich and a CEGA Fellow at UC Berkeley. My PhD research focuses on quantifying the climate finance needs of developing countries to meet their climate goals under the Paris Agreement. I also conduct research on the underlying political economy forces that influence the transparency of climate finance needs in multilateral climate policy. 

Previously, I have worked on analyzing the impact of weather shocks on labor market outcomes and structural transformation, the role of finance and public policy in the energy transition, and the techno-economic-environmental impacts of energy policy. I collaborate with experts from a wide range of disciplines to carry out these research efforts.

I completed an MSc in Development Economics from SOAS University of London and a BSc in Economics from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. 

Research fields: Climate finance, climate risk, energy policy, development economics 

Email: aimadari24@yahoo.com ; abdulrasheed.isah@gess.ethz.ch       Tel: +41 44 632 5383 