Rebo is now going to school!

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) in the East of England have developed ‘Rebo’s Research Adventure’ Lesson Plans for teachers to use to help children understand health and care research. 

The Lesson Plans have been designed for teachers to use as part of the UK Government’s Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Science and Design and Technology curriculum.  Our team will also provide support to teachers who would like to use them as part of their educational plan.

Why use our Lesson Plans?

The Lesson Plans aim to educate, excite and inspire school children about health and care research, why research matters and how to get involved. 

Our Patient and Public Engagement team worked in partnership with the University of East Anglia and Reedham Primary School in Norfolk, to create the Lesson Plans, based on the world's first video game to tell the story of how research scientists have found treatments for health conditions like diabetes! 

The game and Lesson Plans are a  fun way to learn

Rebo, the NHS Research Robot journeys back in time, visiting key moments in history, when medical discoveries were made, to help us care for patients with diabetes. Players collect positive elements such as 'insulin' and 'French lilac' to gain points while avoiding fizzy drinks and sweets!  As students play the game and take part in the lessons they will learn about:

What our expert says

Professor Jeremy Turner, Clinical Lead for the NIHR’s clinical research delivery team in the East of England region and Consultant Endocrinologist at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals, features alongside Rebo in the game!

He said: 

“Through digital innovation we can empower the public to find out about health research and we’re thrilled to enable this! We hope this game will start conversations about the importance of health research."

Download the Lesson Plans now!

You can download and start using the Lesson Plans right away. This is completely free, but we would appreciate it hugely if you could let us know a bit about how you plan to use it by completing this short form

Our team is also on hand to support teachers who would like to use it as part of their educational plan. If you would like help, or if you have any questions, contact Anne Kirby, our Lesson Plan Development Lead and Patient & Public Involvement Manager.

Email Anne at or give her a call on 01603 287670.