Common Acronyms

AcoRD Attributing the costs of health and social care Research and Delivery

CCG Clinical Commissioning Group

CPMS NIHR Central Portfolio Management System

CRN Clinical Research Network

CRNCC Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre

DHSC Department of Health and Social Care

ETC Excess Treatment Cost

HRA Health Research Authority

ICB Integrated Care Board

ICS Integrated Care System

IRAS Integrated Research Approval System

ISHP Independent Sector Healthcare Provider

LCRN Local Clinical Research Network

MPT Minimum Payment Trigger

NHS National Health Service

NHSE NHS England

NIHR National Institute for Health and Care Research

ODP NIHR Open Data Platform

PHE Public Health England

PICs Patient Identification Centres

PPV Per Participant Value (also known as Per Patient Value)

RDNCC Research Delivery Network Coordinating Centre

SoECAT Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool

Spec Comm NHS England Specialised Commissioning

Should you have any questions or any other Acronyms you would like adding, please inform