Embedding the staff guide 'Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You' in your Trust

The aim of this site is to support you in embedding the guide so that it is localised with a high level of visibility with all Trust staff.

  1. A mock up of the guide can be found at 'Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You (Mock Up)'

  2. This microsite also contains page by page content upload guidance that can be downloaded in MS document format from the 'Supporting Documents' page.

  3. Alternatively for those with access to the NIHR Hub there is a guidance document list embedded on this page below

Key principles:

  • The guide has core messages for each staff group to help them understand how their role can impact on research in their Trust

  • It needs to be accessible, quick to use, easy to navigate, and relevant to staff in your Trust

  • For staff to engage with it it needs to be incorporated into your mainstream staff information/development/communications material, typically the Trust staff intranet. Using local pictures and visual material is encouraged.

  • It aims to create a pathway to further information which is Trust based, local, as well as offering national options.

  • Local information can be built onto the required core content and navigation adjusted to suit Trust platforms whilst being made as easy as possible to use.

The core content has been developed by collaboration between the NIHR Clinical Research Network, the NHS R&D Forum, UKRD, and NHS England. This needs to be acknowledged somewhere in your local version, but most importantly the guide needs to be seen as fully adopted within your Trust corporate badging and protocols.

Briefing for piloting the guide:

‘Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You’ is an online guide to help busy non research staff become more aware of their impact on research in their Trust. In effect it raises general awareness which should help research delivery in particular, but it also helps the Trust fulfil requirements of the research elements in the CQC Well Led Inspection Framework and the NHS Long Term Plan.

  • The guide outline has been produced in collaboration between the NHS R&D Forum, UKRD, NIHR CRN and NHS England. It recognises that in each case the guide also needs to be localised.

  • The guide is designed to be a quick reference but provides pointers to more in-depth information for those who want to know more. However it is only likely to be helpful if it is available where busy non research staff usually look. It needs to be seen amongst other material appropriate to supporting their roles thus helping to ‘normalise’ research in their perception. This is the reason why content needs to be lifted onto Trust staff intranet platforms and adapted to the Trust corporate look.

  • The guide and the process to deploy it is both a challenge and an opportunity that requires careful piloting. Key to this is a willingness for R&D teams to drive forward its deployment at Trust level. Guidance and templates to do this are provided, but we recognise that piloting should not be overly formalised and that commitment to running a pilot is entirely down to the R&D team after deciding whether the effort to get it up and running in their particular Trust balances with the potential benefits for research in their Trust.

  • For the purpose of the pilot, the collaboration behind ‘Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You’ needs to understand the following:

  1. the experienced challenges of setting up the guide in their Trust and suitability of the supporting templates.

  2. suitability and helpfulness of content from the non-research staff point of view

  3. the suitability and viability of the SOP in practice (which is for guidance only for the purpose of the pilots).

Interested R&D Teams can discuss details with one of contacts below where this will help with making a decision about whether to commit to running a pilot.

For support from the NIHR Clinical Research Network contact: Lucy Gallagher - Email: lucy.gallagher@nihr.ac.uk

For support from the NHS R&D Forum contact: Ashley Solieri - Email: ashley.solieri@btuh.nhs.uk

Supporting guidance documents for uploading Best Patient Care , Clinical Research and You onto Trust staff intranets etc.

For those with access to the NIHR Hub key guidance documents can be found in the embedded link below.

Alternatively go to the 'Supporting Documents' page on this site

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