East Midlands Health & Care Professionals Research Scholarship Programme

Dr Vibhore Prasad PhD FRCGP 

GP Partner Ashfield North PCN Clinical Director, Research lead, Associate University of Nottingham, Visiting Lecturer King’s College London



A clinical academic general practitioner (GP). His research interest is in the earlier detection of mental disorders in young people in the community.

Scholarship Project/ Idea

Earlier recognition of children and young people with diagnosed ADHD in primary care.  

Vibhore used large database research, systematic reviews and digital methods to help people with mental health symptoms. He aspires to improve mental health in young people and working age adults.

Scholarship Impact

Protected time and access to collaborators and mentors at the University of Nottingham allowed Dr Prasad to apply for grants and work on research projects with other researchers with mutual interests.This has been an excellent programme. Without this programme, I may have been unable to continue my postdoctoral clinical academic research career. I was able to access support from the CRN East Midlands, which complimented the support from the NIHR research design service.

During his scholarship Vibhore applied for and the RCGP research paper of the year and  the NIHR Senior Clinical and Practitioner Research Award(SCPRA)

Publication press release:


Post Scholarship successes

Vibhore’s SCPRA has been successful.He is hosted by the University of Nottingham, 5 years funding part time to undertake further applications for research funding commencing in July 2024.