Your Regional Research Delivery Network
About Us
We provide practical support to allow high-quality research to take place in NHS, primary care, public health and social care settings across Greater Manchester, Lancashire & South Cumbria, and Cheshire & Merseyside. This is so we can gather evidence that leads to new and better care and treatments for patients and the public.
We are passionate about the contribution that research can make to patient care and work collaboratively to translate that passion into the effective delivery of studies across the region. We ensure research occupies the place it deserves in the day-to-day work of NHS and non-NHS settings across the North West.
We are hosted by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. The Trust is responsible for ensuring the effective delivery of research across our region’s Trusts, primary care organisations and other qualified providers.
North West RRDN Primary Care Team
The NW RRDN has a team of clinical and non-clinical staff dedicated to supporting primary care research to enable them in the delivery of research studies. In addition to staff support, we provide direct funding to primary care settings via our Research Site Initiative scheme.
We also provide Workforce, Learning & Development support described here.
A video clip explaining the wide-ranging benefits of carrying out clinical research in the primary care setting of GP practices and pharmacies.