Award Categories

Research Award Categories 2023/24

1. Outstanding Achievement by an Individual

This category provides the opportunity to recognise an outstanding achievement by an individual delivering, or supporting the delivery of, NIHR CRN Portfolio research in the East Midlands. It may be an individual that has really gone above and beyond what would normally be expected of them in order to achieve outstanding results. There may be a particular outstanding achievement, an exceptional contribution toward efficiency and effectiveness of operations, special efforts in promoting portfolio research or outstanding service to the research community.

2. Outstanding Achievement by a Team

This category provides the opportunity to recognise an outstanding contribution by a research team in the East Midlands. It may be a team that has really gone above and beyond what would normally be expected of them in order to achieve outstanding results. There may be a particular outstanding achievement, an exceptional contribution toward efficiency and effectiveness of operations, special efforts in promoting portfolio research or outstanding service to the research community.

3. Putting People First

This category provides the opportunity to recognise an individual or team that has gone the extra mile for research participants, patients, carers or service users.  The nominee may have transformed the way people are involved or engaged in research. Their work may have a direct impact on changing people’s’ lives or transformed the way research is delivered to improve the experience of patients, carers, service users or members of the public. It may be a research champion or volunteer who’s work to spread the word about health and care research to patients and the public has had significant impact.

4. Rising Star

This category provides the opportunity to recognise the impact on NIHR portfolio research made by a newly established research team or individual new to research in 2023/24. It may be a newly formed research team that has been achieving rapid results, a team that has been bolstered by an invaluable new addition or someone that has gone above and beyond expectations to make a positive impact on research delivery.

5. Exceptional Performance in Commercial Research

This category provides an opportunity to recognise exceptional performance by an individual or team in relation to commercial research in the East Midlands. It may be a team that has achieved a global or European first recruit. Perhaps an individual has broken down barriers to find ways of working across organisational boundaries or worked collaboratively with different stakeholders to meet performance targets on a commercial trial.

6. Lifetime Achievement Award

This year marks 10 years since the NIHR Clinical Research Networks were established and we have also recently celebrated 75 years of the National Health Service. To mark these milestones we would like to recognise an individual who has designed, led, delivered or supported research within a health or care setting over a significant period. This award seeks to honour those who have given much of their career to the NHS or to NIHR research more broadly and through this  will leave a lasting legacy. This could be through changing the lives of those that use health and care services, championing change, leading improvements in the way research is delivered or simply bringing a smile to peoples’ faces day in, day out.

Judges will be looking for evidence of

Innovation - details of innovative solutions or strategies that have been employed by the nominee to achieve success

Impact - details of how of the nominee has impacted research delivery, either directly or indirectly

Reach - details of dissemination of success in terms of how the work has been/could be picked up and replicated elsewhere

Engagement -  evidence of engagement, collaboration or cross boundary working to achieve results 

Ambition - the challenge or context in which the nominee achieved success

