Counselor's Corner

Mrs. Trena Tincher

Nicholas County Elementary

Phone: 859-289-3785 - ext 2224 Email:

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The school counseling program at Nicholas County Elementary is designed to address the academic, career, and social/emotional needs of all students. The school counselor serves as an advocate for each student by helping to remove barriers to development and learning, creating opportunities, and collaborating with all stakeholders. Services are provided to students through classroom guidance, small group counseling, and/or individual counseling sessions.

Classroom Guidance - Throughout the year, the school counselor will provide classroom instruction on a variety of topics. These topics will equip students with the tools necessary to gain confidence, set goals, make decisions, collaborate with others, navigate the world more effectively, among many others.

Small Group Counseling - Small groups are based on the present need of our student body. Topics may include social skills, anger management, academics, grief and loss, or divorce. Group sessions will meet once a week for 6-8 weeks.

Individual Counseling - In individual sessions, the student will meet one on one with the counselor. This could be a one time visit or scheduled weekly sessions for 6-8 weeks, based on the needs of the student. Individual sessions may address academic, emotional, and/or behavioral concerns. In the event that long-term or in-depth counseling is needed, the student may be referred to an outside agency or mental health specialist.

Due to COVID-19, classroom guidance and small group sessions are currently not being held.