The EMBO | The Company of Biologists Workshop

"Trans-Scale Biology using exotic non-model organisms"

Satellite Meeting

"New Approaches for the Properties of Bio-materials"

~ To understand shaping, and to observe the true image through bio-materials ~

Joint symposium between the two Transformative Research Areas (A):

"Material properties determine body shapes and their constructions" (Architect Bio)


"Comprehensive understanding of scattering and fluctuated fields and science of clairvoyance" (Seeing through Scattering Media)

July 28th (Fri), 2023

Venue: Okazaki Conference Center (Okazaki, Aichi, Japan)


※Those who wish to attend this event, please register for the workshop at the website


 Biology has been exploring systems using a lot of spices to understand the universal nature of living organisms in trans-scale studies from molecules to individuals. In this process, several model species have been established, and research methods have been developed that take advantage of the latest technologies of the time to understand aspects of complex systems. Technological innovations have changed the phase of biology. Recent genome sequencing and genome editing technologies have dramatically advanced the study of non-model species. On the other hand, the most important characteristic of living organisms is “diversity”. Each specie has evolved by changing some traits such as structures, functions, and behaviors that differ from those of model organisms in response to their environments. One of the major goals of the scientific investigation is to understand the biological nature of this diversity. What kind of technologies are needed to deeply explore diversity using characteristic organisms?

 This time, two research groups in Japan; MEXT Grant-in-Aid (KAKENHI) forTransformative Research Areas (A) ; Architect Bio and Seeing through Scattering Media will join and hold this satellite workshop of EMBO-WS. The former group seeks to understand the true nature of architects through the structure of biomaterials in various organisms, while the latter group seeks to overcome imaging problems caused by biomaterials to observe the true nature of the organisms. These two gropes have different aims and approaches, however, they share a common target: the "physical properties" of bio-materials. We look forward to a hot and deep discussion, and  explaration of new chemisty through the workshop.

Satellite Meeting Organizers 


Invited Speakers

Yasuhiro Inoue (Kyoto Univ., JP/Architect Bio)

Yu-Chiun Wang (RIKEN BDR, JP)

Tetsuya Hiraiwa (Academia Sinica, TW)

Shizue Ohsawa  (Nagoya Univ., JP/Architect Bio)

Sawako Yamashiro (Kyoto Univ., JP/Architect Bio)

Yasuhiro Awatsuji (Kyoto Institute of Technology, JP/Seeing through Scattering Media)

Taro Ichimura (Osaka Univ., JP/Seeing through Scattering Media)

Takumi Tomoi (Utsunomiya Univ., JP/Seeing through Scattering Media)

Short Talk Speakers (selected from Poster presentations by Organizing Committee) 

Azraj Satish Dahihande (MVP KTHM College Nashik, IN)

Oleg Tolstenkov (Michael Sars Center University of Bergen, NO)

Javier Vazquez-Marin (Centre for Organismal Studies, Heiderberg Univ., DE)


2023.7.28 (Fri) schedule (download PDF; Coming Soon)

9:00 - 9:30   Registration (at Okazaki Conference Center Entrance; please pay 1,000 JPY for Lunch Box)


Opening Remarks

9:30 - 9:50  Introduction of each research area (chair: Teruuki Niimi & Yasuhiro Kamei)

Yasuhiro Inoue (Kyoto Univ., JP/Architect Bio (AB))

Yasuhiro Awatsuji (Kyoto Institute of Technology, JP/Seeing through Scattering Media(SSM))

Session 1 (chair: Teruyuki Niimi & Yasuhiro Kamei)

9:50 - 10:15   Yasuhiro Awatsuji (Kyoto Institute of Technology, JP/SSM)

High-speed 3-D / Ultrafast Imaging by Holography


10:15 - 10:40   Yu-Chiun Wang (RIKEN BDR, JP)

Polarized Distribution of Lipid Droplets Confers Cytoplasmic Rigidity to Ensure Stable Deformation During Epithelial Folding

10:40 - 10:55   Short Break


Session 2 (chair: Shizue Ohsawa & Yasuhiro Awatsuji)

10:55 - 11:20   Taro Ichimura (Osaka Univ., JP/SSM) 

Three-dimensional imaging of micrometer-scale cellular dynamics in centimeter-scale multicellular systems

11:20 - 11:45   Tetsuya Hiraiwa (Academia Sinica, TW)

Computer Simulations on Dynamic Self-Organization of Migrating Cells


Lunch & Poster Discussion

11:45 - 13:00   Lunch time and free discussion (Please refer to the poster list of Main Workshop)  

Short Talk Session  (Talks were selected from Poster presentations by the organizing committee)     (chair: Shin-ichi Morita & Takumi Tomoi)

13:00 - 13:18   Azraj Satish Dahihande (MVP KTHM College Nashik, IN) (Poster #01)

Morphological description of neuroid cells present in the choanocyte chambers of marine sponge Amorphinopsis foetida.


13:18 - 13:36   Oleg Tolstenkov (Michael Sars Center University of Bergen, NO) (Poster #05)

                        Increasing complexity in the nervous system and behavior between stages corresponds to the transition in neuronal genes expression in marine parasitic worm

13:36 - 13:54   Javier Vazquez-Marin (Centre for Organismal Studies, Heiderberg Univ., DE) (Poster #25)

Virtue is in the “e-gill-ibrium”: disentangling connections among fate-restricted adult stem cells in medaka

13:54 - 14:15   Short Break


Session 4 (chair: Yasuhiro Inoue & Yasuhiro Kamei)

14:15 - 14:35   Takumi Tomoi (Utsunomiya Univ., JP/SSM)

Targeted Single-cell Gene Induction by Infrared-laser Heating in Plants


14:35 - 15:10   Shizue Ohsawa  (Nagoya Univ., JP/AB)

ECM remodeling triggers the deformation of the folded epithelial tissues during Drosophila development

& Sawako Yamashiro (Kyoto Univ., JP/AB)

New Insights into the Retrograde Actin Flow Associated Motions of Talin Visualized by Single-Molecule Speckle Microscopy


15:10 - 15:25   Closing Remarks     

Comments from the invited speakers of the EMBO Workshop

Anastasios Pavlopoulos (FORTH, GR)


For Participants:

Those who wish to attend will be required to register via the following link (including speakers).

Registration for participants (powerd by Google Form)

Deadline: 15th June, 2023

(for speakers, Abstract deadline 10th July, 2023. A template will be send to each speaker by e-mail.

The Lunchtime Discussion will be held as a poster session in the satellite meeting.

Those who will present their research at the poster session in the EMBO Workshop will be able to join the Lunchtime Discussion. 

If you wish to present and discuss your poster in the meeting, please register for the EMBO Workshop as a poster presenter.

※ We will not call for poster presentations at the satellite meeting only.

※ Poster will be displayed for the entire duration of the workshop and the satellite meeting (total of 4 days).

Deadline for Poster presentation: 15th May, 2023

If you need a lunch box on the day (July 28th), check  the item in the resistration form.

 ・Lunch Box (Day 4): 1,000 JPY

The payment of meal fee will be made at the reception desk of the venue.  

Please pay by cash only.


This International Joint Symposium is supported by two MEXT Grant-in-Aid (KAKENHI) for Trandformative Research Areas (A) "Seeing through Scattering Media" and "Architect Bio"


Yasuhiro Kamei (NIBB, JP/Seeing through Scattering Media)

Teruyuki Niimi (NIBB, JP/Architect Bio)

Osamu Matoba (Kobe Univ., JP/Seeing through Scattering Media)

Yasuhiro Inoue (Kyoto Univ., JP/Architect Bio)


Kiyoshi Tatematsu (NIBB, JP)

Shizue Ohsawa  (Nagoya Univ., JP/Architect Bio)

Yasuhiro Awatsuji (Kyoto Institute of Technology, JP/Seeing through Scattering Media)

Shin-ichi Morita (NIBB, JP/Architect Bio)

Takumi Tomoi (Utsunomiya Univ., JP/Seeing through Scattering Media)

Yosuke Tamada (Utsunomiya Univ., JP/Seeing through Scattering Media)