Weekly Updates

Week 0

Submitted the Project proposal and ordered peripheral parts

Week 1

All Parts arrived mid-week.

I soldered the LED Matrix to its controller and worked on getting the game logic implemented

Week 2

I fully configured the I2C connection to the LED matrix and built a small library to interact with it more easily.

I set up the UART connection to Termite .

I implemented the game logic for placing and capturing pieces.

I began working on connecting the wii nunchuk to the board via I2C.

Week 3

I connected the Wii Nunchuk to the discovery board via I2C.

I implemented the Nunchuk input conversion algorithm so that it can be used by the program to drive player movement

I finished implementing the basic stone placement algorithm

I Implemented the stone capturing algorithm

Week 4

I fixed a couple of bugs with the Nunchuck input system that were causing false inputs to be detected when passing the turn

I fully implemented the scoring algorithm and end game state detection

I filmed the demo video