What is "Harambee"?
Harambee is the Swahili word for "Let's All Pull Together"
The primary goal of Harambee for Galveston’s Youngest Citizens is to address the well-documented racial disparities experienced by our community’s Black families with children ages 0 to 3 by building the capacity of our community leaders to “pull together” in helping parents promote early childhood brain development through group-based multi-session programs and become better prepared advocates and leaders in giving the community’s Black infants the best chance at a healthy life. The project is a 24-month collaborative effort of Galveston’s Black community leaders, family support provider organizations, and families with Galveston’d Black children ages 0 to 3.
Become a Consultant
Nia Cultural Center is compensating parents, grandparents, guardians, and caregivers of Black children under the age of 3 who live in Galveston to take participate in local programming and provide feedback about how these resources can be improved to better meet the needs of Galveston's Black Families. Consultants are compensated $30 per hour. To find out more information or to apply, complete the interest form below.