week 29-30 | 3/4-3/15

Dear Parents: 

Here is the update of Week 29-30. 

Lunar New Year Celebration |农历新年庆祝

A big shout out to all our parent volunteers for their tremendous support during the celebration of the Year of the Dragon. With your continued dedication, we've enjoyed another successful and joyful experience within our Guy Emanuele school community. Thank you all for collaborating with us to create beautiful moments and lasting memories in our students' young minds as they continue on their journey of growth and learning. Pleaes enjoy the videos. 

Summer School 23-24 |暑期夏令营

March 20 Open House | 3月20日学校开放日

Please ensure you mark the date on your calendar as it is an important day for you and your child to witness their progress throughout the year. They will showcase their classwork, projects, and more. Some classes may even arrange mini performances. Please keep an eye out for the teacher's email for further details.

Important Dates: