2022 1st Creative Competition of Applying Sustainable Green Technology to Solve Climate Change

The origin of the competition

Technology cannot bring real happiness to human beings, nor can technology solve the pollution and disasters caused by development. The decline of Mayan culture and Easter Island are examples of ecologically unsustainable overexploitation. Only by sustainable management can the earth continue to support human and biological life. The United Nations report states that by 2030, the solar, wind and biomass industries alone will add 20 million green energy jobs. One out of every four workers in the U.S. will be a green-collar worker. There will be more than one million green-collar workers in Taiwan. It is predicted that every job in the future, including food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and entertainment, will be transformed into green-collar jobs. In order to promote green technology, Nanhua University established the Sustainability Center in 2016, and established the Taiwan Sustainable Green Technology Development Association in 2017 and Sustainable Green Technology Development Seminar.

At the same time, in order to adjust to the harm caused by climate change, in order to enhance and improve Taiwan's ability to adapt to climate change, the Executive Yuan has formulated the "National Climate Change Adjustment Policy Program", which divides Taiwan's climate change adjustment work into eight major areas, namely: Disasters, life support infrastructure, water resources, land use, coasts, energy supply and industry, agricultural production and biodiversity, health, and formulate climate change adaptation action plans in various fields to promote the development of Taiwan's overall climate change adaptation . In order to implement climate change mitigation and adaptation, the Nanhua University Sustainability Center has actively implemented climate change mitigation and adaptation since its establishment. It has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency as an environmental education institution and facility site to promote environmental education and plan sustainable farms and permeable pavement tests. Farm, oyster shell circular economy test site, environmental monitoring and disaster early warning platform and other mechanisms to promote sustainable agriculture, circular economy and disaster prevention and rescue, and will establish a public welfare platform for agricultural carbon neutral computing and release programs to provide free computing Carbon emission and agricultural negative carbon calculation for small farmers and agricultural enterprises.

Core Concept

Climate anomalies and global warming are both brought on by excessive human greenhouse gas emissions. Adaptation and mitigation to climate change must be encouraged. In order to slow down climate change, the 2015 COP25 Paris climate agreement hopes to control global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees, and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in 2021 will further promote net zero carbon emissions. Therefore, the industry must develop sustainably. It is necessary to pay equal attention to the economy, society, and environment, and to develop green technology and propose strategies to reduce carbon emissions.

This competition brings together innovative sustainable green technology concepts from all walks of life, encourages interaction between business, academia, and the government, and offers a platform for communication to support climate adaptation and mitigation measures. Participant can have the following benefits:

l Participate in the "Climate Change and Net Zero Emissions " course to understand climate change issues and mitigation and adaptation practices, as well as net zero emission pathways and methods.

l All team can observe, communicates, and shares ideas with each other, and directly communicates with the industry to implement creative ideas.

l If you are participating in the industry activity, you can talk to the creative team and professional consultants to learn about creative practices and business opportunities for reducing carbon emissions and climate change.

Handling unit

Guiding Units:

International Organic Movement Federation,

Agriculture and Food Administration of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Industrial Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs,

Taiwan Sugar Biotechnology Division,

Chiayi County Environmental Protection Bureau


Center for Sustainability, University of South China


Fo Guan Shan Buddha Memorial Hall

european cultural and educational foundation

Green Public Welfare Foundation

World Environmental Education Science Culture Organization Foundation

Subsidized by:

Ministry of Education Sustainable Campus Plan,

The Ministry of Education's Colleges and Universities Climate Change Teaching Activity Plan,

Ministry of Education University Social Responsibility Program,

Taiwan Sustainable Green Technology Development Association,

Rotary International,

Chaoyang Solar Farm,

Taiwan Sustainable Green Technology Development Association

Yaochi CO., LTD.

Competition categories and themes

The content of the competition must focus on the mitigation and adaptation of climate change, and select a group from the following groups to participate. After reviewing the content of the competition plan, the organizer may adjust the group with the consent of the participating group.

1. Local Creation

2. Environmental Education

3. Circular Economy

4. Organic Agriculture

5. Sustainable Management

6. Carbon Neutrality and Net Zero Carbon Emissions

7. Environmental Protection

8. Ecological Conservation

9. Renewable Energy

10. Green Technology Innovation

11. Conservation of soil and water resources

12. Other climate change mitigation and adaptation

Selection method

After the approval by organizer, submission will go to reviewer team of experts and scholars. The review standard items are as follows:

The solution idea of

sustainable green creativity-40%

To implement sustainable creative solutions based on nature, innovative, marketable, and technical feasibility of ideas or models.

Integrity of

green technology solutions - 30%

The completeness of the information provided, such as the completeness of creative ideas, motivations, experiences, etc., as well as the content of information such as bonus items, it would be better if an implementation plan has been implemented, which is enough to fully impress the judges.

Promotion of

green programs - 30%

The scheme can be replicated, promoted, and implemented, which can reduce carbon emissions and create a better negative carbon effect.

Items to be included in the proposal

(1) Items that should be included in the proposal

1. Proposal Motivation/Background

2. Expected benefits and goals

3. Solutions/Products/Services (idea, slogan, ... etc.)

4. Analysis of advantages and disadvantages

5. Mode of operation

6. Financial plan

(2) Document Specifications for the Preliminary Competition

1. The format is written in Microsoft Office Word Traditional Chinese.

2. Standard Chinese font, English font Times News Roman, font size 12, single-line spacing, A4 size of paper, with a maximum of 15 pages (excluding cover, project summary table, table of contents, and attachments).

3. The content of the project book should include "cover", "project summary table", "project book catalogue", "project book content", and upload it as a PDF file.

How to apply

1. Fill in the registration form at the registration website, and upload a video "self-introduction video". The content of the video should be a one- to three-minute video to introduce the team's self-introduction to green and sustainable innovation solutions. It is recommended to shoot in Chinese or English.

2. Registration time: From the announcement date to 24:00 on August 30, 2022.

3. Registration method: Applicants should finish the online registration before the registration deadline. The executive unit is expected to announce the shortlist at the end of September.

4. Registration URL:https://forms.gle/bgZVPN4F2eb6trwD7

5. Affidavit downloadDownload

Selection Rewards

(1) Preliminary selection:

Free participation in the course ”Climate Change and Net Zero Emissions”. Those who participate in the whole training activities and pass the examination according to the regulations will be awarded the certificate of“Junior Climate Change and Net Zero Emissions Manager” by the Sustainability Center of Nanhua University.

(2) Selection of winners

The teams will be divided into groups according to the competition, and the first place in each group will conduct a follow-up evaluation, and the top three teams in the total score will be evaluated. The facilities and materials for the implementation of the creative plan will be subsidized as follows:

1st place: NT$50,000.

Second place: NT$ 30,000.

Third place: NT$ 10,000.

After the outstanding participants' plans are approved, the plans will be listed on the website of the Sustainability Center, and opportunities for industry-government-academic matchmaking will be provided.

(3) Implementation steps

The relevant period for the implementation of the activity is as follows and the flow chart:

Registration for the event: Registration will be officially launched from the announcement date.

Deadline for receipt of applications: August 30, 2022

Primary election: September 10-15, 2022

Sustainable Green Technology Exchange Conference and final round: September-October 2022

Assisting excellent creative works to link up with the industry

With the consent of the authors, the outstanding participants' proposals will be exhibited through the following platforms, and can be provided to the matching industry.

1. Exhibition on Seminar

2022 International Symposium of National Biotechnology and Health Industry Association, 2023 The 7th International Symposium on Sustainable Development and Green Technology

(List can gradually increase)

2. Exhibition on Online platform

Taiwan Sustainable Green Technology Development Association website, Taiwan Biotechnology and Health Industry Association website, Nanhua University Sustainability Center website

(List can gradually increase)

3. Provide to matching industry

(1) Biotechnology

Taiwan Sugar Corporation Biotechnology Division, Sea Energy Technology Development Industry Co., Ltd.

(2) Agriculture

Chaoyang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Zhanzhuang Taida Orchid Garden, Gukeng Organic Production Cooperative

(3) Renewable energy

New Jade Technology Co., Ltd.

(4) Vector control technology

Yaochi CO., LTD.

(5) Food R&D and Processing


(5) green engineering

Gold-Joint Industry Co, Ltd

(List can gradually increase)