GSST Virtual Open House Information

Welcome to the GSST Virtual Open House page!

Here you can find information regarding the live open houses hosted on May 5, 6, and 7, view the recorded open houses after they have occurred, and find links to the junior math class and ALEKS enrollment forms.

Virtual Open House Live Links

Biological Science (MAY 5, 7PM - 8:30 PM): This live open house has concluded. Please refer to the Virtual Open House recordings.

Computer Science (MAY 6, 7PM - 8:30 PM): This live open house has concluded. Please refer to the Virtual Open House recordings.

Engineering (MAY 7, 7PM - 8:30 PM): This live open house has concluded. Please refer to the Virtual Open House recordings.

Virtual Open House Recordings

Here you can access the recorded live Virtual Open Houses for each strand. They will be uploaded within 24hrs after they conclude. Click on one of the links below to view a recorded open house:

Biological Science: Virtual Open House Recording

Computer Science: Virtual Open House Recording

Engineering: Virtual Open House Recording

GSST Math Enrollment/ALEKS Form (AFTER Open House)

AFTER your Virtual Open House, please fill out the math class registration form for the strand you were accepted into. In this form you will be asked to:

  1. Indicate your current math class as a sophomore

  2. Indicate which math class you would like to enroll in your junior year at GSST

  3. Upload your PSAT, SAT, or ACT scores for TNCC Dual Enrollment

  4. Give permission to participate in the ALEKS summer online program

  5. Provide your contact information for the summer.

Biological Science:

Computer Science:


NHREC App and Acceptable Use Policy Form Submission

GSST requires that you fill out and submit the Acceptable Use Policy form regarding the use of electronics. To do this, download the NHREC app. Then in the app, go to Forms. There, you will find the Acceptable Use Policy form. Please fill this out and submit it!

Below are images of our app to help guide you in this process.

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