Choose a School

Support the trip for students at High School in the Community by clicking here to go to CheddarUp (fee is charged).  Or, you can mail a check made out to school to the address below.  We will send you a thank you and a receipt for your records.

Julia Melbourne, Business Manager

High School in the Community

175 Water Street

New Haven, CT 06511

Attn: Japan Trip

Support the trip for students at James Hillhouse High School by clicking here to go to CheddarUp (fee is charged).  Or, you can mail a check made out to school to the address below. We will send you a thank you and a receipt for your records.

Ms. Shoulders, Business Manager

James Hillhouse High School

480 Sherman Parkway

New Haven CT 06511

Attn: Japan Trip

Both schools have 501(3)(c) designations and your contributions are tax deductible!