
Classroom Guidance: I will be visiting classrooms each month to teach a whole group lesson on our focus or theme for the month or quarter. These lessons will be geared towards social and emotional learning, academics, and career exploration.

Small-Group Counseling: I conduct small groups throughout the year on different topics. Some examples of these topics could be family changes, making good choices, coping skills, making new friends, managing anger, test-taking strategies etc. Students learn skills that they can take back to the classroom and home.

Individual Counseling: I work with students individually when they are dealing with certain issues or challenges such as anxiety, stress, managing anger, grief, family changes, friendship, etc. Students can be referred by teachers, parents, or they can advocate for themselves that they need to see the counselor! All information remains confidential between the student and me unless the student has threatened harm to themselves, others, or if statements are made about abuse or neglect.